Research on students’ spontaneity creation through career support from the university

I present the results of a study on fostering students’ spontaneity from the perspective of career support. I am happy to be able to publish this paper along with the completion of my 3-year duties as the Deputy Director of the Career Center on campus. The abstract of the paper is as follows:

In this paper, we define the spontaneity required of today’s university students as three types of spontaneity: leadership that demonstrates driving power, collaboration with diverse peers, and social curiosity(motivation)and examine how extramural collaboration as a way to create spontaneity can create each type of spontaneity through a career support project in a specialized seminar at the College of Business Administration. As career support projects in the specialized seminar, two types of projects were set up as part of the end-of-semester summary after the completion of regular coursework: one was a government support type project and the other was an industry support type project. The results supported the hypotheses about the creation of leadership skills and collaboration with diverse peers through extramural collaboration and
partially supported the hypothesis about the creation of social curiosity(motivation)through extramural collaboration. This shows the possibility that instructors can increase students’ motivation by inviting a wide range of outside experts and incorporating them into their classes in a way that is easy for them to work on in order to assist them in their survival in the unforeseeable future.

Kataoka, T., Kobayashi, D., & Kojima. M. (2023). Spontaneity Creation and Extramural Collaboration: A Case Study of Career Support in a Seminar Class at the College of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan Higher Education Studies, 23, 29-46.